Ansible Tips and Tricks

 2021-11-02 1 minute read 0 Comments improve this post #ansible | #linux


Creating a tips and tricks page can get a bit messy, and there are too many Ansible tips and tricks that exist out in the wild to create a condensed and concise page so this is neither of those; but within this page are some bits that I have found useful and would love a single source to review them again when needed.

Add a Prefix or Suffix to All Items of a List

Prefix Items of a List

Let’s transform the following list:

[ "bar", "cat", "dog" ]


[ "foobar", "foocat", "foodog" ]
- debug:
    var: result
    prefix: foo
    a_list: [ "bar", "cat", "dog" ]
    result: "{{ [prefix] | product(a_list) | map('join') | list }}"

Suffix Items of a List

Let’s transform the following list:

[ "bar", "cat", "dog" ]


[ "barfoo", "catfoo", "dogfoo" ]
- debug:
    var: result
    suffix: foo
    a_list: [ "bar", "cat", "dog" ]
    result: "{{ a_list | product([suffix]) | map('join') | list }}"

 Categories: #ansible | #linux

Tech tips and command line fu found within this dojo
